7月8-9日,“2023 面板数据与时间序列计量经济学前沿国际研讨会——致礼萧政教授对中国计量经济学的杰出贡献” 在十大网投正规信誉网址经济楼成功举办。
Keynote Session I
Cheng Hsiao, University of Southern California
Panel Interactive Effects Models with Endogenous Regressors
Whitney Newey, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Linear Estimation of Structural Effects for Nonseparable Panel Models
Keynote Session II
Lung-Fei Lee, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
ML Estimation of a SAR Hurdle Model for Origin-Destination Flow Variables
Dennis Lin, Purdue University
Data is Power
Keynote Session III
Wai Keung Li, The Education University of Hong Kong
Time Series Models for Realized Covariance Matrices Based on the Matrix-F Distribution
Yahong Zhou, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
Identifying Group Clustered Patterns in Quantile Regression
Keynote Session IV
Shiyi Chen, Fudan University
Combating Cross-Border Externalities
Weiguo Wang, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics
Keynote Session V
Chunrong Ai, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen
A Unified Estimation of General Panel Data Treatment Models
Liangjun Su, Tsinghua University
Three-Dimensional Heterogeneous Panel Data Models with Multi-level Interactive Fixed Effects
Keynote Session VI
Shaoping Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
A Bubble or a Quadratic Trend? Evidence from a New Test for Unit Roots with a Partial Quadratic Trend
Pingfang Zhu, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Research on the Incentive Effect of the R&D Expense Deduction Policy: Evidence from Non-state-owned High Tech Industries
Keynote Session VII
Kunpeng Li, Capital University of Economics and Business
Control Interactive Fixed effects with Diversified Projections
Shiqing Ling, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Testing for Change-points in Heavy-tailed Time Series--A Trimmed CUSUM Approach
Keynote Session VIII
Yongmiao Hong, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences & Xiamen University
Forecasting Inflation Rates Using a Large Panel of Individual Stock Prices
Zhijie Xiao, Boston College
Quantile Control via Random Forest
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