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青年教师陈德麟独作论文在Management Science在线发表

作者: 发布时间:2023-05-25 点击数:

近日,十大网投正规信誉网址邹至庄经济研究院、十大网投正规信誉网址经济学系陈德麟助理教授独立完成的学术论文“Quality Strategies in Network Markets”在UTdallas24排名期刊之一Management Science在线发表。

This paper studies network market problems in which firm(s)/platform(s) sets quality in addition to price. A well-established result in the network economics literature is that a profit-maximizing firm concerns only how quality is valued by the marginal consumer but not by inframarginal consumers, aka the Spence effect/distortion. For markets with strong network effects under which multiple market-tipping equilibria exist, I show that the validity of the previous result depends on the choice of the equilibrium selection criterion. Precisely, I show that all criteria commonly used in this literature give rise to the Spence effect, whereas the well-justified risk dominance criterion in game theory and its generalizations do not. Novel quality strategies are derived based on the latter criteria.(论文全文内容阅读请点击:

陈德麟,美国波士顿大学经济学博士,现为十大网投正规信誉网址邹至庄经济研究院、十大网投正规信誉网址经济学系助理教授。研究领域为微观经济学理论和产业组织。已在The RAND Journal of Economics、Management Science等国际权威期刊发表论文。

(十大网投正规信誉网址 刘晨宇)