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Overidentification in Shift-Share Designs

作者: 发布时间:2024-05-20 点击数:
主讲人:Jinyong Hahn

Jinyong Hahn is a Professor of economics at UCLA, and held previous appointments at the Universities of Pennsylvania, Michigan and Brown. He is a theoretical econometrician and develops methodologies to analyze micro-econometric data, i.e., data on many economic agents. His past work mathematically characterizes the amount of information contained in various econometric models and variables. His recent work concerns panel data models. He is currently the chair of the department. He has been Co-Editor of Econometric Theory and Associate Editor of Econometrica and the Journal of Econometrics.

主持人:Nan Liu
This paper studies the testability of identifying restrictions commonly employed to assign a causal interpretation to two stage least squares (TSLS) estimators based on Bartik instruments. For homogeneous effects models applied to short panels, our analysis yields testable implications previously noted in the literature for the two major available identification strategies. We propose overidentification tests for these restrictions that remain valid in high dimensional regimes and are robust to heteroskedasticity and clustering.
We further show that homogeneous effect models in short panels, and their corresponding overidentification tests, are of central importance by establishing that: (i) In heterogenous effects models, interpreting TSLS as a positively weighted average of treatment effects can impose implausible assumptions on the distribution of the data; and (ii) Alternative identifying strategies relying on long panels can prove uninformative in short panel applications. We highlight the empirical relevance of our results by examining the viability of Bartik instruments for identifying the effect of rising Chinese import competition on US local labor markets.
时间:2024-05-29 (Wednesday) 16:40-18:00
地点:Room N302, Economics Building