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Generalized Intergenerational Mobility Regression

作者: 发布时间:2023-05-31 点击数:
主讲人:Le Wang
Dr. Le Wang is currently a tenured professor, Chong K. Liew Endowed Chair Professor, Presidential Professor, as well as doctoral supervisor at the University of Oklahoma. His research fields include applied microeconomics and microeconometrics, among others. He has published over 30 papers in top international economics journals such as the Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, Journal of Applied Econometrics, and Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. He has been part of major research projects funded by the US Department of Education and the US Department of Health and Human Services. In 2018, Professor Wang's research was recognized with the Kuznets Award by the Journal of Population Economics.
He currently serves as the Director of Graduate Programs in Managerial Economics with Big Data focus, a Member of Board of Trustees of the Southern Economic Association, and the Director of the Young Scholars Program at the Global Labor Organization (GLO). He is also a Co-Editor of China Economic Review (SSCI) and Journal of Labor Research (SSCI), as well as an Associate Editor of Econometric Reviews (SSCI). Professor Wang is also a member of the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group at the University of Chicago and a research fellow of the Global Labor Organization. He previously served as, a Board Member of the Chinese Economists Society in the USA, a research evaluation expert at the Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of University and Research Institutes (ANVUR), and a Research Fellow at the IZA, Germany. In the past, he had held various positions such as a tenured professor at the University of Alabama, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Minnesota, and an assistant professor at the University of New Hampshire, a special-term professor at Jinan University, and a WAPPP Fellow at the Harvard Kennedy School. 

Current research on intergenerational mobility (IGM) is informed by statistical approaches based on log-level and rank regressions, whose economic interpretations remain largely unknown. We reveal the subjective value-judgements in them: they are represented by weighted-sums (or aggregators) over heterogeneous groups, with controversial economic properties. The rank-regression weights are improper and inconsistent aggregators. We propose a general construction of IGM measures that can incorporate any transparent economic preferences. They are interpreted as the marginal effect of parental normalized social welfare on children's normalized welfare. Conventional regressions are special cases with implicit economic preferences that fail inequality-aversion and the Pigou-Dalton principle of transfers. Empirically, we show that the disparate findings in the literature may reflect differences in subjective valuation of different groups, rather than "mobility". A variety of economic preferences, with varying inequality aversion, demonstrate a nuanced view of mobility, and perspectives on geographic-differences and dynamics of it.

时间:2023-06-06 (Tuesday) 10:00-11:30
地点:Room D136, Economics Building, Zoom Meeting: 899 2091 6960 (Passcode: 202323)