Christopher Anderson 华盛顿大学(西雅图)
范英 北京航空航天大学
Lata Gangadharan 莫纳什大学
张中祥 天津大学
赵金华 密歇根州立大学
我们邀请您以全文的形式提交稿件。研讨会筹备组将对稿件进行审核,并通知稿件入选的通讯作者。入选论文将受邀在本研讨会上进行现场汇报。提交的论文需要遵循JAERE / JEEM/ AJAE的体例和范式,并符合研讨会的议题范围。请直接提交文稿至 xmurecworks@outlook.com 。
李智 财政系
许文超 经济系
衷楠 经济研究所
周颖刚 金融系
Resource Economics Workshop—Call for papers
The 2019 Workshop on Resource Security and Economic Sciences will be jointly hosted by the School of Economics and the Gregory and Paula Chow Center for Economic Research at Xiamen University. The goal of this Workshop aims to gather resource and environmental economics researchers nationwide. Our invited guests with broad editorial expertise may address early-career professionals on how to improve their work to publish in top journals. The Workshop will also provide a stimulating environment where participants can share and discuss their latest work.
The workshop theme for this year is set as “Global Challenges for Protecting Resources and the Environment in the Economic New Normal.” The workshop participants come from a wide array of fields working on resource economics, environmental economics, development economics, and other closely related fields.
The 2019 workshop will be held from May 25-26, 2019 at the School of Economics, Xiamen University. It will include invited keynote speech from academia and policy making, contributed work, and open discussion. We welcome all faculty and students from universities nationwide to join us this May.
To better promote the synergy of this Workshop, we don’t plan any parallel session. We will have only limited slots for presentations and the acceptance will be highly selective. We hope you can come to Xiamen and share your views through presentation, discussion, or conversation in person.
Please stay tuned for more updates!
Invited Speakers
Christopher Anderson University of Washington, Seattle
Ying Fan Beijing University of Aviation and Astronautics
Lata Gangadharan Monash University
ZhongXiang Zhang Tianjin University
Jinhua Zhao Michigan State University
Call for Papers
We invite you to submit your contributions in the form of full papers, which will be reviewed prior to selection for inclusion in the workshop. Accepted submissions will be featured as contributed presentations. The submissions must follow the JAERE/JEEM/AJAE submission format and should fit the 2019 Workshop scope. Contributions should be submitted directly to xmurecworks@outlook.com.
Key Dates
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2019 (23:59 Beijing Time)
Acceptance Notification: May 5, 2019
Organizing Committee Members
Zhi Li
Wenchao Xu
Nan Zhong
Yinggang Zhou